Art & Soul 30A

Art & Soul 30A
Art and Soul 30a showcases art created by locals. The gallery features over 30 artists and jewelers who live in the Florida Panhandle. Much of the artwork has an emphasis on the 30a beach lifestyle. The gallery/boutique has many different styles of art, as well as, handmade jewelry and home decor.
Owner, Christine Ramey, has been an artist for many years on 30a. With a creative soul, she decided to open the gallery in 2019 to give other local artists a chance to sell their works. Christine loves the 30a community and was eager to make local artist’s work more available to people who want to take home a memory from our area.
Lakewood Center
5399 East Scenic Hwy 30a
Santa Rosa Beach, Fl. 32413
(Seagrove Beach)
(850) 231-3213