An Update From Kay Richoux

An Update From Kay Richoux

Kay will be teaching at the Blue Giraffe on October 18th and 19th. Both days there will be classes at 9am-12pm and 2-5pm. Each complete class is 3 hrs long, so many opportunities to take “ Ghost Printing: Explorations in Encaustics” with Kay. $250 per class, all...
Painting with Polli

Painting with Polli

Painting with Polli Thursdays 11am-1pm or evening classes available by appointment. $125 includes instruction and supplies to complete 3 paintings. Geared for ages 16+, class teaches palette technique with acrylic paints on canvas, and beginners are welcome!Prepayment...
An Update from Susan Lucas

An Update from Susan Lucas

Susan Lucas was selected to appear in AcrylicWorks 6- Creative Energy: the Best of Acrylic Painting, published by North Light Books. Available in bookstores and online, this is the sixth competition book in the Best of Acrylics series. a recognized competition...